Single Zone Ductless Heat Pumps

Have questions about the pros and cons of ductless systems? Maybe you need maintenance or repair?
Mon–Fri: 8:00am–4:00pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Single Zone Ductless Heat Pumps
Sometimes you have a small space that needs heating, but you don’t have the ductwork available for installation. Enter the single zone ductless heat pump!
Cozy Rooms Begin with Mt. Hood Ductless
Enter the single zone ductless heat pump! This handy HVAC system gives you all the control you need to create the comfortable room you deserve. To top it off, you will save money with a unit that is energy efficient, not to mention stylish.
Choose the licensed professionals at Mt. Hood Ductless for the installation of your single zone ductless heat pump. Our highly-trained technicians stand ready to provide you with outstanding service. Before you know it, your new addition will become your favorite place to hide out.

Benefits of Single-Room, Zoned Ductless Heat Pumps

Simple Installation

Easy Maintenance

Handy Comfort Control

Small Space? No Problem!
Reliable Zoned Ductless Heat Pumps – Call in Mt. Hood
Contact us today at 503-387-6267 to schedule an appointment. We are available for emergency service by appointment. We offer installations, repairs, and maintenance services for all brands and models of ductless heat pumps and mini-split systems.
Many utilities in the Northwest offer their customers rebates up to $1,500 for upgrading an existing electric heating system to a ductless system.
Contact Mt Hood Ductless for info on your local electric utility offers. Call us 503-387-6267
One or two head indoor units will take one day for routine installations. Three or four head indoor units may take two days; barring unforeseen issues, they may extend installation times.
Mt Hood Ductless handles all rebates, incentives and, promotions farms to insure you get your funds.